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29 July 2001
Hoax du Jour: A More Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy
Evil intent and black hats on the Internet misinformation trail.
27 July 2001
Hoax du Jour: Children's Crusade
Various hoaxes and forwardables related to children (sick and missing children, prayer requests).
26 July 2001
Hoax du Jour: Lingering Misinformation
Catching up on lingering misinformation (various hoaxes and rumors).
27 February 2000
Hoax du Jour: Viral marketing is now.
GoHip.com has a free download for you that is anything but hip.
21 December 1999
Hoax du Jour: The Grinch Is Real
eToys.com versus etoy.com. The outcome may change the Internet forever.
18 September 1999
Drop-dead Internet Alerts
The Korova recipe for writing effective Internet alerts and bulletins. Part of the "e-v-mail" section, which includes the "Hoax du Jour."
01 September 1999
Hoax du Jour: Call Now!
The "809 phone scam" is a high-tech con game that depends upon a very low-tech component: consumer gullibility. The latest, urgent chain e-mail warning may sound familiar, and it is (it's three years old), but it doesn't tell the whole story....
29 August 1999
Hoax du Jour: You're Never Gonna Believe This...
Now is the summer of our mis-content. Readers sent in a plethora of errant 'Net rumors, cyberban legends and bogus warnings. Here's a round-up.
29 March 1999
Hoax du Jour: The Word Macro Spam 'Bot
Yep, it's been a few weeks, we were about due for another James Bondian threat to worldwide computing. This time, our Heroic Virus Killers are battling a Word macro virus which makes Sanford Wallace (The Spam King) look like a hermit.
08 March 1999
Hoax du Jour: Calls to Overreaction
Tales of dire crises are descending into your e-mail: Aspartame! Afghanistan! FDIC! No Urban Dictates! Friends and family spamming you day and night? What do you do? Who do you turn to? Visit "Hoax du Jour."
Also: updated the e-v-mail page.03 January 1999
Hoax du Jour: Remote Explorer of My Eye
Did a killer, "smart virus" threaten to crash the Internet? No. Did Network Associates over-hype an infection at MCI WorldCom to make it sound like it? Maybe. You decide....
Updated: 31 January 199920 December 1998
Hoax du Jour: Internet Access Charges & Taxation
Is the FCC once again threatening to approve toll charges for dialing up your Internet service provider? CNN seems to think so. Maybe CNN should've asked the FCC.
Updated: 03 January 1999 New (false) rumours, and unrelated legislation.28 November 1998
Hoax du Jour: The Fear of AIDS (Needles)
Urban legends (ULs) are more common on the Internet than chat rooms. I think. ... Most seem harmless. But some -- like these AIDS-attack scare stories -- may present a real danger.
Updated: 08 April 1999 Further information from the CDC (true), and new rumours of LSD and Strychnine left on pay phone buttons (false).08 November 1998
Hoax du Jour: Toxic Tampons
Someone wants you to believe that tampons will make you bleed more, and even contract cancer. But that's not the real shocker of this 'Net hoax. Put this one in your, um, browser.
Updated: 23 April 199928 August 1998
Hoax du Jour: Death Threats & Disney Trips
It was a great summer for Internet hoaxes and cyberban legends. Depending on your point of view.
25 May 1998
Hoax du Jour: The AOL Hacker Riot II
Get all your friends to tune in and watch some self-congratulating hackers wreak havoc on AOL. Or else.
19 February 1998
Learning Perl
Perl. It isn't just for geeks anymore. Oren Leaffer previewed one of the best books you can find to get started.
12 February 1998
Hoax du Jour: The "90# Phone Scam" Alert
Dial 90# and give someone control of your phone line? Maybe not. (One of this site's most popular pages.)
Updated: 20 December 199801 January 1998
Hoax du Jour: E-j-mail Extortion
The spirit of free enterprise ... or cyberterrorism?
Updated: 03 January 199813 December 1997
A Few Good Years
What will personal computers and the Internet be like in five years? In twenty years? No one's sure, but there will be lots of humans using them, that much is certain.
02 December 1997
Hoax du Jour: Phone Slamming
You chose your own long distance provider, right? Right? ... Hello?
03 November 1997
Hoax du Jour: AOL V4 Cookie
Yet another nasty rumour. Unfortunately, it's crap.
08 September 1997
Virus hoaxes ... the hula hoop of the Nineties. Fortunately, there's hope.
10 May 1997
2001: Part II
Garry Kasparov vs. Deep Blue. Kind of sounds likeDave Bowman vs. HAL9000, doesn't it?19 April 1997
How Intranets Work
Confused about networking concepts? Preston Gralla explains all.
18 Apr 1996
E-j-mail: The Dirge of the Internet
The next marketing revolution will be televised ... on your personal, private computer.
Extra: The Museum of Clueless Internet Marketing (Warning: large file with graphics)
I get some really stupid messages from people who think they've found the pot of gold at the end of their modem. Maybe some of them have. But most of them can't write a complete paragraph without violating a common rule of grammar. That, in itself, tells me something about the phenomenal growth of the Internet and computing in general -- anybody can get on, and spam the hell out of complete strangers. I'm publishing some of what I received in 1996, as People's Exhibit A.
30 Dec 1995
Web Fingered
Welcome to the World Wide Web ... your television should be so good.
13 Nov 1995
Look & Feel Be Damned
The evolution of the graphical user interface on personal computers. The point is what you're doing, not how.
21 Sep 1995
So Many On-Ramps, So Little Time
The Internet at your doorstep. "Caution ... merging traffic."
31 Jul 1995
Introducing Windows 95
The "Mac-ification" of the IBM PC is now complete.
Windows Tips
Stupid Windows Tricks for those who are chronically bored with their out-of-the-box Microthrashing.
ASCII Reviews and Columns
An archive of reviews, columns, and articles from years past.
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