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Hard-hitting answers about Spalding, radio, cows, and sushi.
While working in Mobile, Alabama, I established
Korova Multimedia as an umbrella business for publication of music reviews, columns, and software evaluations,... computer systems consultation,... production and marketing of a public radio program,... online content delivery,... and public speaking.
Korova Multimedia continues to be a vehicle for developing and promoting innovative content and services for a variety of venues. In 1996, I utilized its resources to support and encourage a number of educational initiatives in Marin County. Particularly, during the 1996 Marin County Fair, I led a group of young people in launching an online newspaper, Oinker Online. What made this project unique was that the staff for the production consisted almost entirely of local junior high and high school students,... and the paper's base of operation was "on location" in the Fair's Multimedia Funhouse. Through six days of summer heat, the Oinker staff produced three daily editions of a first-class, World Wide Web newspaper. The paper was available immediately on the Web, and several Spike Interactive kiosks distributed around the Fair. I was really proud of my involvement with the Fair, the Oinker staff and the community. (Want to read more? Please open up a window on my Oinker OnlinePublisher's Postscript , excerpted from the Marin County Fair Web site.)
What is this?
This site ... well, the whole damn Web,... is a neat, new way to publish and share ideas. This site is a collection of David Spalding's articles and reviews, presented here for your enjoyment. Spalding is, among many things, a freelance writer and consultant who has way too little time in his day for all the things he'd like to do..
David Spalding. Me. Right here. Hi. This is my site.
What kind of articles?
Honestly, it's God's wildest guess which article, or what kind of article, I'm working on from one week to the next. Music ... computing ... media ... volunteering ... paid work ... or just quick and confusing e- mail. Try some.
How do I get around? I'm lost.
I know, HotWIRED this isn't. First, there's that "splash page" at the very top.
This is followed on the first level by the amazingly crowded home page. This page usually has the most recent features to have been updated.
This is followed on the second level by the Table of Contents. This page offers tons of links to the lower depths of the library. You can also try the site map.
At the third level reside individual index pages that link to particular types of articles. There are pages that list particular columns, such as the Start Button computing column, and the RoundUp music reviews. You'll also find various kiosk files like What's New, and other pages related to this site. And finally, there are some miscellaneous pages like Korova biographys, a page on how to contact us, etc.
Finally, at the fourth and final level are the articles and reviews themselves. These files are generally called something like kmrnnnn.htm. Each article, and many kiosk pages, have a row of shortcuts to various content areas. These shortcuts are explained further in the Table of Contents, also.
ASCII versions of these files reside in the ASCII file library, by the way.
What's New?
Depends on what's happening in my other jobs. I work for a untrusting, disorganized, miserly government ... and it's an ungrateful one, too. When I'm done putting in my 50 hours a week there, I'm consulting, or speaking. I also eat, sleep (a little), bathe, shop, clean my apartment and play with all my little friends. When all that is done, I take time out to write.
What's going on with David?
Every now and then I'll post some news from myself or Korova Multimedia. Sometimes it even relates to this Web site.
Why are you doing this to yourself?
Well, I'd like to do this sort of thing for a full-time job. I don't particularly like working in a government office anymore, drinking lousy police station coffee, and dealing with security cards and "who can say what to whom."
When I grow up, I want to work in a creative atmosphere, one where my multi-discipline talents and strengths can come into play producing a real product.
What's with that cow?
Well ... if you knew that The Harbinger Hour (a dark, gothic, ambient/electronic music program I produced for public radio) began with incidental music composed for a stage production of A Clockwork Orange (1962) by members of U2, and if you’ve read a bit of Anthony Burgess’ futuristic thriller about directionless youths in a decadent society fed by immediate gratification,... it would make sense. Please see my biography for more about The Harbinger Hour.
You worked in radio?
That's right, from 1990 until mid-1994, I produced The Harbinger Hour at public radio station WHIL-FM (Mobile, Alabama). I enjoyed it immensely, and so, apparently, did a large number of listeners.
Any other wisdom you'd like to offer?
Eat more sushi. You see, seafood is good for you, and probably in more plentiful supply (or would be if we harvested the sea properly). As I see it, if more people dined at sushi bars, the prices would go down, and my favorite bars could offer 1/2 price Happy Hours again. That's something I can get excited about. Thanks for asking!
14 December 1997
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Korova Multimedia . All rights reserved.