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Is privacy an important issue to you? protects personal information as a matter of policy. Click the link below for more information. (Korova's own privacy policy is posted on the home page.) will be responsible for all customer service, including payment processing, ordering, shipping, order status reports and returns of any kind. Please address your questions regarding book orders directly to at The "mail us" link at the bottom of their home page should give you a list of the appropriate e-mail contacts.
David Spalding
12 April 1997
How to buy a book, CD or video through Korova Multimedia
Buying a book, CD or video from Korova Multimedia is easy.
- Simply find the "Buy it" link in the review or Pubs, RoundUp or Flickering Images index page, and click it. It will take you direct to's listing for that product.
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Jeff Bezos, President of is pleased to have Korova Multimedia in the family of associates. We've agreed to ship books and provide customer service for orders we receive through special links on Korova Multimedia. associates list selected books in an editorial context that helps you choose the right books. We encourage you to visit Korova Multimedia often to see what new books they've selected for you.
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Jeff Bezos
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