19 January 1999
Real Power: Business Lessons from the Tao Te Ching
James A. Autry, Stephen Mitchell
PutnamManagement and leadership are separate, but equal, ingredients in cooking up a superior workplace. Autry is a popular author of "higher calling" management books. In this one, he uses the Tao Te Ching as a time-tested teaching aid to illustrate methods for better building teams, and getting great work done with the team. It's told in the context of "constant learning," so you'll want to refer back to this book again and again.
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03 January 1999
Windows NT User Administration
Ashley J. Meggitt, Timothy D. Ritchey
O'Reilly & AssociatesOne thing this publisher does, and does well, is the niche market for pithy, direct, authoritative softcover books on a particular technical subject. I was impressed by What You Need To Know When You Can't Find Your UNIX System Administrator, and had the same strong impression from this title. All you might need to know to transition from user management on Netware or UNIX to NT is here, with useful examples and canny explanations. There are enough "killer tips" in this little book to make it worth the price of purchase. Highly Recommended!
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03 January 1999
Windows NT In a Nutshell
Eric Pearce, Robert J. Denn (Editor), Beverly Murray Scherf
O'Reilly & AssociatesWhat O'Reilly has done for UNIX and Internet platforms, the publishing house is now doing for Windows NT. That is, providing great books that can replace a whole shelf of lesser, one-off titles. This is one of the books that I reach for time and again to answer annoying riddles like "What the heck is AUTOCHK?" This is a must-have.
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Fall, 1998
Windows NT Server 4 Unleashed
(SAMS Publishing)Of several Windows NT 4.0 books that I reviewed this year, this is the one with the broken spine. Time and again, other books would skim over a particular point, or provide a cursory answer, when I wanted information that was much deeper. This book delivered. Get it.
19 February 1998
Learning Perl
Randal L. Schwartz, Tom Christiansen
O'Reilly & AssociatesPerl ... it isn't just for geeks anymore. It's the scripting language of Windows NT 4, and it's a great way to customize your web site. Our reviewer Oren Leaffer checked into O'Reilly's well-known primer, and came back smiling.
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03 December 1997
The Commissar Vanishes
David King
(Henry Holt & Co.)A striking photo essay that shows how Stalin's Soviet regime used photographic manipulation to control, and subvert, the national memory of recent history. By wiping someone from a picture, that person could be effectively wiped from the national recollection. A somber accounting of how " spin" can pervert history.
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30 September 1997
World Operations Manual
The Schwa Corporation
(Chronicle Books)Due out at the end of the month. Schwa's exclusive, terrestrial publication of the alien conspiracy's primary handbook for small planet administration. Continued documentation of Bill Barker's exposé of the invasion that has already occurred. Stay tuned for in-depth review here at Korova.
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16 September 1997
Mastering Access 95 Development Premier Edition
(SAMS Premier)Our reviewer Sharon Taylor found this an excellent reference while walking through some problems. The index was thorough, and finding just the right information took little or no time at all. As an example, Sharon was programming a query form with two (count 'em) subforms within. In my experience this can't be done, but within two hours she had it finished, thanks to this book. Further, she developed the database to work with all versions of Access, successfully. I asked for the book back, but Sharon won't let me have it. I'd say that qualifies as "highly recommended."
The link below is for the new edition, Mastering Access 97 Development, we feel confident recommending it.
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July 1997
Upgrading and Repairing PCs Sixth Ed.
(Que)One of our young reviewers, Micah Jacob, latched onto our review copy and immediately proclaimed it the one survival guide for anyone who tears into computer chassis on a regular basis. This new edition appears to be no exception. If you work on hardware, you want to have this book handy. 'Nuff said.
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19 July 1997
Help!: The Art of Computer Technical Support
Ralph Wilson, Mari Stein (illustrations)
(Peachpit Press)Ralph Wilson's classic has a justly deserved reputation as being the King James Bible for computer support personnel. Cogent, witty and engaging. Has sections for external and internal support, and even valuable advice on interpersonal communications techniques when dealing with users. Also provides tips on handling tantrum-throwers and other problem callers.
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13 July 1997
Surviving Day 1 with Windows NT Workstation 4.0 (Que)
A quick, cool guide to the "dreaded new system." And affordable, too.
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19 April 1997
How Intranets Work
Preston Gralla
(Ziff-Davis Press)An excellent primer on the inner workings of the new local area network paradigm.
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24 January 1997
Learning the UNIX Operating System
Grace Todino, John Strang, Jerry Peek
(O'Reilly & Associates)Great little intro to the UNIX environment, particularly for those transitioning from the DOS or Windows world.
What You Need To Know When You Can't Find Your UNIX System Administrator
Linda Mui
(O'Reilly & Associates)... And once you think you know your way around UNIX enough to get into trouble, there's this little book to help you out. The neatest feature is that in the margins are real world experiences from various professionals. Kind of like going to a UNIX user encounter group and learning from everyone's shared mistakes. An excellent book.
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UNIX In A Nutshell
Daniel Gilly and O'Reilly & Associates Staff
(O'Reilly & Associates)The reference guide to end all reference guides. Provides extensive coverage of command and idiosyncracies. A MUST have.
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Computer Security Basics
Deborah Russell and G.T. Gangemi, Sr.
(O'Reilly & Associates)There's a rather funny scene in HACKERS in which some nerds are quizzing the mysterious new kid about his "Red Book," "Orange Book," et al. It's supposed to be terribly over the viewer's head ... but after reading this book, you'll chuckle at the pedestrian writing. O'Reilly explains all. The publisher really ought to retitle this "ADP Security Manager in 21 days." No kidding. This book covers the basic issues, the references, the standards, specifics. It goes deeper, though, to explain WHY, with more than a healthy dose of historical background on the evolution of computer security. Also easily overlooked: a cogent explanation of most computer virus issues. And it's all done in witty, plain language writing that's a breeze to assimilate. For anyone who's preparing to manage a LAN/WAN, or has wondered why "the people upstairs" enforce particular policies, this is THE book to start with, no exception. For armchair 'net enthusiasts, this is still the first, best source for an understanding of online security issues. Seriously: walk into most shops and server rooms, and ask, "Where's your yellow, O'Reilly computer security book?" Chances are, it's nearby, with the spine well broken and worn.
Featured on this site's Hoax du Jour column.
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